Biggest Political Winner

Following on the back of the political loser, what I think will transpire from wrecking this 'entitled white-collar millennial class' is the calling for more help. So because of that, my biggest political winner of 2023 will be:

Biggest Political Winner  —> Socialism

What is one place that won't get wrecked? Government jobs. So my prediction is we see two separate waves of oncoming socialism. We see a dash and increase in bureaucratic government jobs, i.e., the administration state grows significantly. We can already see this with the addition of all those new IRS workers. My thoughts are that this isn't the only time we see this.

We will also see a call for more government handouts. Amidst the wreckage, you hear calls for Universal Basic Income (UBI) to stop the bleeding for those unable to find a job because they never really learned any tangible skills that added real value. It will be similar to what they did with covid, but now with people hurting, they will expect it. I suspect it will be an easy transition as most in the position calling for it will be living off their parents anyway.

My generation's lack of urgency for personal responsibility and entitlement — to me — makes this scenario likely.