Wen beauty?
Quick thoughts on the state of 'beauty' and how my recent trip to Europe left me with some questions.
CTO | Hoseki
Quick thoughts on the state of 'beauty' and how my recent trip to Europe left me with some questions.
One of the more damaging mindsets I was lucky to grow out of was the belief that life should be easy. This thinking is a common view today. We live in a world where the quality of life can be comfortable with minimal effort. This is a luxury belief that
Knowledge is power
If there is anything I have learned from the first month of this year, it is that predictions for it are dumb. No one knows what is happening. So that is my prediction for 2023, that to do it for this year would be stupid. The whole reason this year
Following on the back of the political loser, what I think will transpire from wrecking this 'entitled white-collar millennial class' is the calling for more help. So because of that, my biggest political winner of 2023 will be: Biggest Political Winner —> Socialism What is one place that
If I were an optimist, I would start this out in reverse, but since I am not, the first category I will tackle is 2023’s biggest political loser. Biggest Political Loser —> Millennials Am I a millennial? Yes, but try not to take that as bias. This year is
Over the next few weeks, I will release a series of predictions for 2023. Inspiration came from the All-in Pod, and I will use their structure as a framework. I will change it slightly but use it as a baseline. You can find all articles in the series here /2023-predictions.
Why tech unionization and the AWU are remarkably stupid.
My case for optimism for the future of our governing class
Where are all the adults in the room? That is a question currently being asked on both sides of the aisle politically and in many situations in everyday life. Why has this become an issue? I currently contribute to a "male mentorship" group that does its best to